Wyre Foresters Cricket Club Constitution
- Name
- The Club will be called Wyre Foresters Cricket Club (hereafter to be referred to as ‘The Club’) and will be affiliated to the Worcestershire Cricket Board, Wilden Industrial Estates Cricket League and the England and Wales Cricket Board.
- Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of the club will be:
- To foster and promote participation in the sport of cricket at an amateur level within the community.
- To promote itself within both the local community, and the broader cricketing community.
- The Club and its members shall ensure that all members, both playing and non playing, abide by the ECB Code of Conduct which incorporates the Spirit of Cricket, as well as this the Laws of Cricket. The club has a players code of conduct that also must also be abided by (Policy No. 3 Players Code of Conduct).
- The Club will ensure that a duty of care is taken towards all members of the club.
- The Club will provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone.
- The Club will aime progress as a Sporting Cricket Club for the benefit of it members and community.
- The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children and any future versions of the policy.2. With this in mind the Club has it own safeguarding policy that must be adhered to (Policy No 4. Safeguarding Policy).
- Membership/Fees
- To ensure all present and future members receive fair and equal treatment. Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs. However, limitation of membership according to available facilities is allowable on a non discriminatory basis.
- The Club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating.
- Membership should consist of officers and members of the club. Club members will need to register themselves to the club on play cricket to be eligible for selection. They will also be responsible for making sure that the information they supply on play cricket is accurate and up to date.
- No person shall be eligible to take part in the business of the club or eligible for selection for any club team unless the appropriate subscription has been paid by the specified date or membership has been agreed by the Committee.
- All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will automatically be deemed to be accepting these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted. These codes and policies are readily available for members to read on the clubs Google account or by asking a committee member.
- The policies that the members are agreeing to are as follows;
- Policy 1 Selection
- Policy 2 Annual General Meeting
- Policy 3 Player Code of Conduct
- Policy 4 Safeguarding
- Members will be enrolled into the following categorie:
- Full member (Wednesday and Saturday)
- The clubs membership fees will be decided on an annual basis at the clubs AGM meetings.
- The Club Secretary will keep a register of members. All members of the Club will be entitled to full use of the Club’s playing, practise and social facilities. (within club allocated times) Membership is not transferable. A member may resign by written notice to the Club but the return of any subscription paid is at the discretion of the Management Committee.
- Membership/Squad numbers will be issued in batting order sequence, and thereafter in order of appearance for the club.
- Officers of the club
- The officers of the club will be:
- President
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Club Secretary
- Treasurer
- Child Welfare Officer
- Match day manager
- Availability Officer
- Social / Fundraising Secretary
- Social Media Officer
- Fixtures Secretary
- League Delegate
- Saturday Captain
- Saturday Vice Captain
- Wednesday Captain
- Wednesday Vice Captain
- Officers will be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
- All officers will retire each year but will be eligible for re-appointment (See policy No. 2 Annual General Meeting).
- Management Committee
- The club will be managed through the Management Committee consisting of:
- President ,
- Chairman,
- Saturday Captain,
- Wednesday Captain,
- Secretary,
(Only these posts will have the right to vote at meetings of the Management Committee).
- The Management Committee meetings will be convened by the Secretary of the club and held no less than 8 times per year.
- The Management Committee will be responsible for tabling new policies, codes of practice and rules that affect the organisation of the club.
- The Management Committee will have powers to appoint subcommittees as necessary and appoint advisers to the Management Committee as necessary to fulfil its business.
- The management committee will then bring the tabled policy or code of conduct to the club membership to be voted into existence.
- The Management Committee will be responsible for disciplinary hearings of members who infringe the club rules/regulations/constitution. The Management Committee will be responsible for taking any action of suspension or discipline following such hearings, (see Policy No. 3 Players Code Of Conduct and Policy No. 2 AGM for further information).
- Finance
- All club monies will be banked in an account held in the name of the club.
- The Club Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the club.
- The financial year of the club will end on: XXXXXX
- An audited statement of annual accounts will be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
- Any cheques drawn against club funds should hold the signatures of the Treasurer plus up to two other officers.
- Electronic transfers of funds drawn from the club will also need signatures of Treasurer plus up to two officers to be supplied.
- Annual General Meetings
- Notice of Annual General Meetings will be given by the Club Secretary. Not less than 21 clear days notice to be given to all members.
- The AGM will receive a report from the officers and the Management Committee and a statement of the audited accounts.
- Nominations for officers And Management Committee members will be sent to the Secretary prior to the AGM. The Chairman may accept nominations on the night at his discretion, should the said nominees have sufficient support.
- Elections of Officers and Management Committee members are to take place at the AGM.
- Only fully paid up playing members, officers, officials and committee members have the right to vote at the AGM.
- The quorum for AGMs will be 2 Officers and 6 members.
- The Management Committee has the right to call Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs) outside the AGM. Procedures for EGMs will be the same as for the AGM except EGM’s can be called at 7 days notice, (see Policy No. 2 AGM for further information).
- Discipline and appeals
- All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club’s child protection policy and procedures, (Policy no. 4 Safeguarding).
- The club Welfare Officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any child protection concerns.
- All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the Secretary.
- The Management Committee will meet to hear complaints within 7 days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership, (Policy No. 3 Code of Conduct, Section No. 5 Discipline).
- The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 7 days of the hearing.
- There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 7 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal, (see Policy No. 3 Code of Conduct, and Policy No. 4 Safeguarding for further information).
- Selection
- A Selection Committee meeting will be recognised, consisting of:
- Chairman
- Saturday Captain or Vice Captain
- Wednesday Captain or Vice Captain
- The selection committee shall be governed by the following terms of reference:- (Policy No.1 Selection Policy).
- The Committee will select the teams at an agreed time (The teams will then be published at least 24 hours before the game).
- Any player failing to turn up for a game without giving the Captain or Vice Captain sufficient notice, will not be considered for selection for the next weekend, unless they give an acceptable reason for absence to the Selection Committee.
- It is the responsibility of all players to make their Captain or Availability secretary aware of any dates on which they are unavailable due to work, holiday or injury as soon as possible. Players are responsible for checking selection.
- Dissolution
- A resolution to dissolve the club can only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of 75% the membership.
- In the event of dissolution, any assets of the club that remain will become the property of XXXXXXX
- Amendments to the constitution
- The constitution will only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.
- Declaration
Wyre Foresters Cricket Club hereby adopts and accepts this constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of members.
Policy No. 1
Policy Statement
This Policy is set in place to allow guidelines and procedures for the selection of teams for Wyre Foresters Cricket Club. This policy should be upheld by the selected sub-committee who are solely responsible for selecting the clubs teams.
Index for the below policy
- Who are the sub committee
- Main factors club will endear to when selecting teams
- Sub factors that may be taken into account
- Rotating Players Fairly
- Roles and responsibilities of the Availability Secretary
- When teams are announced
- What protocol if a player is not selected
The Policy
- The team selection will be made by a subcommittee (known hereafter as The Selection Committee). It will consist of the following positions:
- Chairman of the Club (or Vice Chairman if unavailable)
- The Team Captain/Captains (or Vice Captain/Captains if unavailable)
The members of the selection committee will take joint responsibility for the selection outcome, and uphold the outlined policy stated within this document.
- The main factors the selection committee will base their selection on are:
- Selecting a team that can compete at the level required to win the match in which the selection is for.
- Giving every player a fair and equal opportunity to play (If this cannot be achieved then a rotation of players will be implemented as set out in Section 4).
- As well as the main factors set out in section 2 the following may be taken into account by the selection committee upon selecting the teams:
- You may not be selected if you owe the club money (annual subs/ tea money etc.) This may become a recurring issue if the money is not paid.
- Attitude and willingness to help the club where and when you can.
- Training.
- Availability throughout the season.
- Player attributes and creating a balanced team.
- Behaviour on the pitch
- In order to maintain a fair and equal selection, the selection Committee will rotate players in and out of the teams in order to allow a player that has to sit out the opportunity to play again as soon as possible. This will be done taking all other factors with is this policy into account.
- The Availability Secretary is responsible for contacting members for their availability. (This must be done by 8pm Sunday night Edit – CP). Each and every player is personally responsible for announcing their availability and a confirmation message should be sent (Players must announce their availability for the week by 8pm Monday night, or at least notify that they need more time – CP). The availability list must be passed on to the Selection Committee with enough time for them to make an informed decision and release the team sheets before the deadline set out in Section 6. Correspondence must be held between the Selection Committee and the Availability Secretary, and effort made to resolve any issues regarding late or non-completed teams.
- The Selection Committee will Release the team sheets as soon as reasonably practicable. This however should be no later than 24 hours before the start time of the game. (Selection will take place on a Tuesday evening after training and will include selection for Wednesday and Saturday – CP)
- If a player has any queries regarding the selection of the teams, the player is personally responsible for liaising with the any member of the selection committee to discuss the decision. In this situation the selection Committee may only explain the reasons resulting in that players situation and not discuss selection of other players. It is the Selection Committees duty to make every effort to explain to the player why they have not been selected. This will allow the player the opportunity to act upon what has been discussed in a positive way and ultimately allow the selection Committee to consider selecting the player at the next selection.
Policy No. 2
Annual General Meeting
Policy Statement
This Policy is in place to give instruction and guidelines on the procedures around the Wyre Foresters Cricket Club Annual General Meeting (known from here on as the AGM), and to state what is expected from an AGM meeting of the Wyre Foresters Cricket Club membership and associates.
Index for the below policy
- When should an AGM be called
- What will the AGM Intail
- Who can attend and who can vote
- Electing officers of the club
- The AGM should be held annually with a two week discretion either side of the exact annual date. This will allow the club leeway to find the best possible date for the meeting whilst still honouring the annual time period.
- At the AGM the elected officers from the previous year will feed back to the club about the year gone. A financial report will be read by the treasurer and other business brought to the AGM will be discussed with the membership. As Well as this information being discussed the election of officers will also take place for the forthcoming year.
- All members of the club are able to attend as well as any third parties that have been invited by the club to attend. Although third parties may attend, the club retains the right to ask them to leave the meeting whilst delicate discussion is being held, or whilst voting is taking place. Third parties or non paid members are unable to vote.
Although Wyre Foresters Cricket Club is a fully democratically run club and ALL members make up the general committee, it is important certain positions within the club are voted upon by the membership.Below, section 4 of this document states the procedure for voting in club officers.
- Officers are eligible to stand for a term of one year. There for, at the AGM it is required to either vote in the same member in that role, or vote in another member in there place. Any paid member can stand for any position within the club and simply has to nominate themself for the position at the AGM. As long as the nominee is seconded in they have the position. If more then one member is nominated for the same position then they may be asked to leave the meeting so the membership can discuss and vote in confidence.
Policy No. 3
Players Code of Conduct
Policy Statement
This Policy is in place to give guidance on how players are expected to behave on the pitch whilst members of Wyre Foresters Cricket Club.
Index for the below policy
- Club Rules
- Traditions
- Match Days
- General
- Discipline
- Exceptions
This Code of Conduct is expected to be adhered to by all playing members of Wyre Foresters Cricket Club (“WFCC”). The details of this code, which will be overseen by the Committee, may evolve over the next twelve months, but the main tenets are set out below. The purpose of this code is to establish WFCC as a club where players regard it as a privilege to play for the club and where consideration is given by the players to the needs of WFCC as a whole rather than just to themselves as individuals.
Club Rules – 1
- Adhere to the Laws and Spirit of Cricket
- All members will have a role within the club that is expected to be performed without any chasing or reminding from other members / committee.
- Display and promote high standards of behaviour at all times when representing WFCC
- Never engage in offensive, insulting or abusive behaviour to team-mates, the opposition or to umpires
- Win or lose with dignity
Traditions – 2
- It is expected that WFCC members and players observe the traditions of cricket in-keeping with the spirit of the game
- The Captain will lead the players on to the pitch and off the pitch
- All players will follow the captain in shaking hands with the opposition after the game.
- The opposition are always invited to take tea first during home matches.
- Stay behind for a drink with the opposition and your team-mates after each game
Match Days – 3:
- Players will be required to complete their match day job as requested by the Match Day Manager
- Turn up for all matches at least 45 minutes before each game
- Turn up in a fit state, both mentally and physically, for each game
- Warm up with your teammates before the game
- Play in CLEAN Wyre Foresters CC kit.
- It is the Captain’s responsibility to set the field. Players must speak to the captain to suggest any field changes.
- Pay your match fees on the day of the game
General – 4
- Players will be expected to turn up to training every Tuesday at 6pm for 2 hours
- Pay annual subscriptions before the end of February.
- Attend and or help with social and fund raising events.
Discipline – 5
- Breaches of this Code may result in the player:
- Being required to apologise to team-mates, the opposition and the umpire
- Receiving a warning from the Captain of your WFCC team
- Receiving a warning from the Disciplinary Committee
- Being suspended
- Being required to leave WFCC
Exceptions – 6
There will, of course be exceptions to some of those rules. Schoolboys and students may only be able to play in holiday time. Some players will be caught at work on a rare occasion and may not make training. However the ethos of WFCC is to be a club to which you as a player are making a commitment for five months of the year. This commitment should be rewarded with better cricket and a better social environment at the club.
Policy No. 4
Safeguarding Policy
Wyre Foresters Cricket Club (The Club) is committed to ensuring that all Children(*) participating in cricket have a safe and positive experience.
(*The word “Children” should be taken to mean all persons under the age of 18.)
We will do this by:
- Recognising that all Children participating in cricket (regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability or disability) have a right to have fun and be protected from harm in a safe environment.
- Ensuring that individuals working within cricket at or for our club provide a safe, positive and fun cricketing experience for children.
- Adopting and implementing the England & Wales Cricket Board (ECB) “Safe Hands –Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any future versions of the policy.
- Appointing a Welfare Officer and ensuring that they attend all current and future training modules required by the ECB & the NSPCC, so that they have the necessary skills to be able to undertake their role effectively.
- Ensuring that all people who work in cricket at or for our club, (such as Staff, Officials, Volunteers, Captains, Team Managers, Coaches etc.) understand that the Safe Hands Policy applies to them according to their level of contact with children in Cricket.
- Ensuring that all individuals working within cricket at or for the club are recruited and appointed in accordance with ECB guidelines.
- Ensuring that all individuals working within cricket at or for the club are provided with support through education and training so that they are aware of and can adhere to good practice and code of conduct guidelines defined by both the ECB, and by the club.
- Ensuring that the name & contact details for the Welfare Officer are available – as the first point of contact for parents, children & volunteers / staff within the club,
- as a local source of procedural advice for the club, its committee & its members,
- as the main point of contact within the club for the ECB County Welfare Officer and the ECB Child Protection Team, and
- as the main point of contact within the club for relevant external agencies in connection with child welfare.
- Ensuring that correct and comprehensive reporting procedures exist for raising and managing safeguarding and child protection concerns. Such procedures recognising the responsibility of the statutory agencies and in accordance with pre-defined safeguarding and child protection procedures as defined by the ECB, Statutory agencies and Local Safeguarding Children Board LSCB guidelines and policies.
- Providing everyone connected with the club (including parents, children and volunteers) with the opportunity to voice any concerns which they have (about possible suspected child abuse, and/or about poor practice) to the Welfare Officer.
- Ensuring that all suspicions, concerns and allegations are taken seriously and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
- Ensuring that access to confidential information relating to child welfare matters is restricted to the Welfare Officer and the appropriate external authorities as specified within ECB Safeguarding and child protection procedures.
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